Drawn GIF


For this project, you'll draw an image in Photoshop and turn it into a GIF. You can draw whatever you'd like, from a hamburger to a cat. If you're not good at drawing, remember - it doesn't have to be an amazing drawing (the skull to the right is pretty fancy - it doesn't have to be that good). The goal is to learn how to do it and to try it out.


  • Submit 1 drawn GIF you created from scratch by following the steps in the tutorial below


Install Photoshop on your computer if you don't have it already. You get it for free with your student emails while we're schooling at home.

  1. Go to Adobe's Creative Cloud Website HERE
  2. Sign in with your student email and password.
  3. Once in, you can download and install the software shown. You need Photoshop for this project, but you can install any of the available programs to try out.


First, you need to choose what you'll draw. Here are some tips:

  • Choose something basic - not too complicated, such as just the outline of a dog or just a cat.
  • Avoid detailed backgrounds, unless you feel really strong in your
  • The whole thing needs to be drawn by you, but you are welcome to look at other images to use as reference while you draw.
  • Think of something simple you can do to change the image - maybe a growing smile, maybe a speech bubble with text, rain, sunshine, walking...it's up to you!
  • It can be black & white or color


Here're the steps to get started:

  1. Open Photoshop
  2. Create a New File
  3. You can choose the dimensions (you can use my example to the right if you want)
  4. Watch the video to the right to see how to create your drawings easily. You'll be making a drawing and then copying that layer over and over to make your small changes.
  5. Note: You can use color or make your drawing in black & white.


Now, you just need to follow the tutorial! Click the link below for the full tutorial. The last step took you through the first part of the tutorial.

Note: if you ever can't find a window or panel you're looking for, go to the top of the screen, click Window, then whichever panel you're looking for, such as Layers.

Also: if you get stuck, you should try googling what you're stuck on. There are soooooo many Photoshop guides - if this one is confusing to you, use Google as your personal guide! You can also contact me, obviously. Google will just be faster.


When you're working in Photoshop, the app will want to save the file as a Photoshop file or the same type of file. You'll need to submit your file as a PNG file. Here's how to do it:

  1. Go to File > Save As...
  2. Under Format, choose GIF
  3. Make sure you're saving it in the folder you want
  4. Click Save
  5. Choose Large file size
  6. Click OK


To submit your work:

  1. Open the week's assignment in Google Classroom
  2. Click the Add or create button on the upper right-hand side
  3. Choose File
  4. Find the saved GIF image on your computer. You just need to submit 1 GIF.
  5. Lastly, click Turn in!