Editing Photos - Simplified
Step 1: Open Photo
Step 1: Open Photo
When you double-click on a CR2 file (a raw Canon photo), it should open in Photoshop
Step 2: Adjust Photo
Step 2: Adjust Photo
Click and drag the different bars on the right side until you're happy with the picture. You can always try the Auto option as a starting point. Here's the breakdown for what each level means:
Step 3: Open Image
Step 3: Open Image
Once you're done editing the image, click on the Open Image button on the bottom.
Step 4: Save As
Step 4: Save As
Now that the file is opened normally, you need to save it as a TIF. To do this, go to File > Save As.
Change the file type to TIF.
Make sure you save it in a "Best - Edited" folder under the category the photo should go in.
In the next window, leave things as they are, and click OK.